The WanderTooths Go to Mexico, and Lensbaby Comes Along!

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We’re baaaa-ack! We were on a Mexican vacation: a real, bonafide, umbrellas in fruity freaking drinks vacation! And we got so into all the relaxing, we forgot we had a blog. Or maybe it was all those fruity, umbrella-laden drinks…I think those things cause memory loss. It must be all the fruit in them, because I have never heard of tiny umbrellas causing memory loss.

We just returned from eight glorious days in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, which we spent relaxing poolside with Geoff’s family. We barely even went off the resort on which we were staying, and when we did it was only to drink tequila with Jesus at Chappy’s (I’m not even making that up…Geoff is working on an Around the World in 80 Drinks Tequila video which should explain that story). It was a glorious break from the rainy Vancouver spring — it literally pissed rain the entire week we were away — and it was a big change from our typical travel style of the past year or two, which I can only describe as shit show whirlwind. Or maybe whirlwind shit show. It’s hard to decide, because they are both accurate in their own right.

We’re at the point in our travelution where we wouldn’t have gone to an all-inclusive resort on our own. There’s nothing wrong with them — hell, we chose to get married at one (which I highly recommend, especially if you are into posing with men in speedos) — but they just feel so indulgent: so much to see and experience around the world, so little time.


Getting married in Mexico allowed me to fulfill my lifelong dream of being flanked by two mysterious European men in speedos.
Getting married in Mexico allowed me to fulfill my lifelong dream of being flanked by two mysterious European men in speedos. It didn’t turn out how I’d imagined.


But this was a family trip, and it was truly glorious to have an excuse to lie around doing nothing but hang out with family and consume amnesia-inducing fruit for an entire week. It was a special occasion kind of trip – a surprise for Geoff’s mom’s birthday. Geoff’s dad planned it months ago, and by some miracle (maybe it was tequila Jesus?), I managed to not ruin the surprise.

The first day was pretty tame, but by the second day, our oldest nephew had discovered the pool….


It's hard not to have fun when this guy is around!
It’s hard not to have fun when this guy is around…except when he’s puking or crying, both of which he did on this trip. Is it just me, or is his t-shirt kind of racist? (just joking, Jenn!)


Geoff’s sister and I ganged up to teach him a delightful new game, which only had one rule: you can splash everyone in this pool, as long as their name is Uncle Geoff. Observe how much fun Geoff is having with that invention…


You can just see the excitement on his face!
You can just see the excitement on his face!


We also got to spend some time with our youngest nephew, who just turned one and has no idea who we are, but doesn’t seem to mind. Shortly after this photo was taken, he began a week-long puking adventure, including a gigantic green tube-shaped puke, the image of which has been involuntarily seared into the entire family’s collective memory for ever, and possibly permanently turned Geoff against the possibility of ever having children.


They look so happy before pukemagedon began...
They look so happy. This is before pukemagedon began…


You may notice the fuzzy bits above (Ha! That’s what she said!)! My new Lensbaby Composer Pro arrived at the post office mere days before we took off, so I was able to practice taking semi-coherent looking photographs of Mexicoish things. I was inspired to buy a Lensbaby lens by Beth over at Beers and Beans, who often posts absolutely beautiful photos taken with Lensbabies. I must say, I’m not entirely disappointed with my first efforts. Like this carved Mexicoish chair…


Lensbaby Composer Pro
Insert some sort of witty caption. Or don’t. I don’t really care either way.


Or this artistic beer tap photograph, which seems appropriate given our Around the World in 80 Drinking ways…


I call this one "Craft Beer." See what I did there?
I call this one “Craft Beer.” See what I did there?


I pretty much fell in love with the Lensbaby, so when Geoff tried to make me switch back to my 50mm prime, I threw a mini temper tantrum and just kept on shootin’…


Palm is our favoritest of the trees. When we got married, we promised each other we would never settle somewhere that palm trees can't survive
Palm is our favoritest of the trees. When we got married, we promised each other we would never settle somewhere that palm trees can’t survive (Yes! We have palm trees in Vancouver!).


A wall near Puerto Vallarta's harbour
A wall near Puerto Vallarta’s harbour



And this IS Puerto Vallarta's harbour...Chappy's is just around the corner, and there are apparently crocodiles in the water
And this IS Puerto Vallarta’s harbour…Chappy’s is just around the corner, and there are apparently crocodiles in the water


All in all, it was a delightful week spent with a delightful gang


Except for that shady little guy in the blue and white striped shirt...I'm pretty sure he's the ring leader.
Except for that shady little guy in the blue and white striped shirt…I’m pretty sure he’s the ring leader.



4 thoughts on “The WanderTooths Go to Mexico, and Lensbaby Comes Along!”

  1. Love it !!! I’m a huge fan of travel blogs and must say that it’s refreshing to read yours..Whitty humor from a real person that’s not all rainbows and butterflies. Puerto Vallarta is one of my favorite places in the world and I hope you loved it as much as I do :)

  2. Lensbaby? Whats a lensbaby? Do you need a special camera for it? Cool shots! I’ve only been to an all inclusive once when my sister got a free trip to Jamaica at a Sandals. It was so couples centric that we were pretty sure everyone thought we were a lesbian couple. Not that there’s anything wrong with that LOL!

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